Event Registration Terms & Conditions

Event Registration Terms & Conditions:

These terms and conditions relate to event registrations and associated ticket purchases for events hosted by Angelique Rewers Worldwide, LLC (d/b/a BoldHaus) (herein referred to as “BH”, “COMPANY”)

1) Communications. By completing the order and registering for the EVENT, you are agreeing to receive email communications from the COMPANY.

2) Non-Solicitation. Solicitation of business or distribution of materials by non-exhibitors/sponsors is strictly prohibited. Violators will be immediately removed from the EVENT.

3) Restriction on Attendance Based on Competitive Business Model. In the event any attendee’s business is currently or plans to offer training, consulting, and/or coaching services reasonably similar in nature to the Company, such as but not limited to sales, marketing, business growth, business development, and/or revenue growth strategies, to a similar target market as Company, that is considered a “Competitive Business”, Company does not permit any individual who owns/operates or is employed by, either directly or as a contractor, a Competitive Business to attend the Company’s live events.

4) Authorization/Consent for Payment.  By completing this order you authorize all payments utilizing the payment information entered into the order form for the entire value of the order.

5) Cancellation & Refund Policy. Upon completion of the order, no chargebacks are permitted. Cancellation requests received in writing within twenty-four (24) hours of registration will be eligible for a full refund less a 5% administrative fee. Cancellation requests received in writing more than ninety (90) days prior to the start of the EVENT will be refunded less a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellation requests received in writing within ninety (90) days of the start of the EVENT will not be processed, regardless of circumstances, and are not eligible for a refund. See Transfer of Registration Policy below. Unused registrations will be forfeited and are not transferable to another EVENT. Company retains the right to refund any attendee, at its sole discretion, at any time, and cancel the attendee’s registration to any live event.

To make a cancellation request, please contact COMPANY at [email protected].

6) Transfer of Registration Policy. Purchasers may transfer their registration to a spouse/partner, business partner, or team up to fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the EVENT.  Requests for transfers after this date are not guaranteed. Transfer requests must be formally requested in writing and include the full name and email address of the individual the registration is being transferred to. Any bonuses are not transferable to a new attendee and original EVENT attendee acknowledges they do not have any rights to the EVENT content once a transfer is processed.

To make a transfer request, please contact COMPANY at [email protected]. Be sure to include the above information in the request.

7) Registration Resale. Registrations to the EVENT are not eligible for resale. Any resold registration will be immediately considered void and ineligible for refund. See the Transfer of Registration Policy for the only authorized method to transfer a registration to another individual.

8) Promotional Pricing & Discounts. Promotional pricing windows (including Super Early Bird, Early Bird and Just-In-Time pricing tiers) are at the discretion of the COMPANY. After promotional pricing windows have closed, the expired rates will no longer be made available and cannot be retroactively applied. Discount codes must be used at the time of original purchase. Any request to retroactively apply a still active discount code will be subject to a one hundred dollar (USD $100.00) administrative fee. Discount codes cannot be combined for any registration.

9) Event Materials/Recordings. Materials from the event are reserved exclusively for those who attend live and will not be provided to those who do not attend. Recording of the event by attendees is strictly prohibited. Recordings of live events are not distributed if maintained by COMPANY. Attendees must attend live to participate and access the information.

10) Bonus Materials. Bonuses associated with the event are only provided to those who attend in person and are provided to confirmed attendees after the event based on the timing established by COMPANY.

11) Disruptive Behavior. Any attendee acting in a manner that is disruptive/abusive to other attendees or to COMPANY staff will be immediately removed from the EVENT with no refund.

12) On-site Registration. Event Attendees are required to check in and register at the EVENT.  Each attendee will be required to show photo identification at registration in order to enter the EVENT.

13) “I’ll Be There Guarantee” Deposits. Registrants who pay an “I’ll Be There Guarantee Deposit,” will receive the amount of their deposit returned to them in the form of a check when they arrive in-person at the registration desk at the EVENT. Refund checks must be picked up at the EVENT and will not be mailed out following the event. If you transfer your registration to another person, the “I’ll Be There Guarantee” deposit is forfeited.

14) Media Release. COMPANY reserves the right to film/permit approved third party filming throughout the EVENT. I hereby expressly grant to BOLDHAUS (“Company”) and to its officers, employees, agents, and assignees the right to capture, record, and use photographs, video, and/or audio impressions (including live or over the Internet) of me (collectively, “Impressions”) recorded by COMPANY at EVENT, and to use the photographs and my voice and picture, silhouette, and other reproductions of physical likeness and class-related work (including any still image, videotaped image, captured video-conference image, CD-ROMs, DVDs and/or other analog or digital means, or other media now in existence of hereafter developed), in connection with or as part of any presentation, program, publication, product, transmission, or other professional endeavor in which the same may be used or incorporated, and also in the advertising, and/or publicizing of any such analog or digital works or their content, in perpetuity. I understand these images / sounds may be used for commercial, educational, or informational purposes. I shall not be entitled to any royalties, fees, or other compensation or notice, in connection with any such use. In addition, I waive any claims that any use of my photograph, image, and/or voice as permitted hereunder portrays me in a derogatory manner or false light. I agree that the COMPANY shall exclusively own, jointly and severally, all rights, title and interest, including copyright in, and to, the complete set of Impressions, with worldwide rights. The COMPANY shall have the right, for any purpose, to use, adapt, change, delete from or add to such form and content, to combine all or any part of these original recordings with others, and to use, distribute, advertise, market and otherwise exploit any and all of the foregoing in any manner and in any medium, as the COMPANY shall determine in its sole discretion. I agree to cooperate with the the COMPANY, at its expense, in all further actions, which the COMPANY deems necessary or desirable to confirm, register, protect or enforce the COMPANY’S rights in and to such recordings. I waive all rights of copyright or ownership which I might otherwise have in or to any of the products in which my image, likeness or voice appears, and I agree to assign, and do hereby assign, to the COMPANY any such right, title, and interest in and to any such products. I agree to execute all documents deemed necessary or desirable by the COMPANY in connection therewith. I waive all rights of copyright or ownership in or to the resulting commercial or educational and informational materials in which I appear, and acknowledge no monetary or other compensation is provided in exchange for waiving this right. I also agree to allow all forms of distribution of any materials that accompany the images or my voice.

15) No Guarantees. The EVENT may include presentations about income and/or growth opportunities. I understand that there can be no assurance that any prior successes by other individuals, or past results in income earnings, can be used as an indication of my future success or results. I acknowledge monetary and income results are based on many factors. The COMPANY does not guarantee or imply that I will get rich, that I will do as well, or that I will make any money at all, especially if I do not do the work that’s asked of me or I ignore any other advice presented to me. The COMPANY’S products may have unknown risks involved, and are not suitable for everyone. Making decisions based on any information presented in the COMPANY’S products, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that I could make no money at all. All products and services by the COMPANY are for educational and informational purposes only.

16) Due Diligence. I agree that I am solely responsible for doing my own due diligence when it comes to making business and financial decisions and all information, products, and services that have been provided by the COMPANY or at the EVENT should be independently verified by my own qualified professionals including checking with my accountant, lawyer or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.

17) Responsibility For Own Actions. The COMPANY’S information, products, and services should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a business decision, on whether to take any action (or refrain from acting). I agree that the COMPANY is not responsible for the success or failure of my business decisions relating to any information presented at the EVENT or elsewhere by the COMPANY or others, or the COMPANY’S products or services.

18) Copyright And Confidentiality Notice. The materials and resources used in this training/EVENT are the confidential and exclusive copyrighted and proprietary intellectual property of the COMPANY. These materials are provided by the COMPANY and solely intended for the personal use as a participant at the EVENT. No part of these documents and/or resources can be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photographic, mechanical, or any other medium), recorded, translated, or used to produce any derivative works without the explicit written permission of the COMPANY, under signature. Any violation, or the likelihood of violating, any of my agreements contained in this paragraph, would entitle the COMPANY to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations. Should the COMPANY commence any legal action in response to my act or omission in violation of this provision, I shall pay all of the COMPANY’S legal fees and court costs, in addition to all damages requested by the COMPANY.

19) Liability Waiver And Acknowledgment Of Risk. I understand and agree that in participating in any movement class or workshop that there is a possibility of physical injury. The COMPANY recommends that I check with my physician before engaging in this class, and I have done so, or made a decision that I do not need to do so. I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me during the movement class or workshop. I also exempt, release, and indemnify the COMPANY, its officers, directors, owners, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, faculty members, contractors, and agents, from any and all liability claims, demands, causes of action, damages, injuries, losses, or death, arising in any way (directly or indirectly) in connection with participation in any class or workshop offered by the COMPANY. I understand that I should be aware of my physical limitations and agree not to exceed them.

20) Non-Disparagement: If I have an issue with the COMPANY or this Event, I will let the COMPANY know immediately and give them a reasonable chance to remedy it for me. I agree now, during, and after the conclusion of the Event hosted by the COMPANY, not to disparage or defame the COMPANY in any respect or to make any derogatory comments, whether written, electronic or oral, regarding the COMPANY its materials, programs, or its current or former staff, facility, sponsors, attendees, contractors, or its business or operations.

21) Changes in Terms. BH has the right at any time and without prior notice, at its sole discretion, to revise these terms and conditions or to impose new terms and conditions with respect to BH events. Such revisions and additions shall be effective immediately upon notice thereof, which may be given by any means, including but not limited to posting the revised or additional terms and conditions on TBHs web site. You are responsible for reviewing these terms and conditions periodically for any modification that may affect your rights or obligations hereunder. You agree that you shall be deemed to be apprised of and bound by any modification by BH to these terms and conditions. ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BY YOU AFTER NOTICE OF REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THESE TERMS SHALL CONSTITUTE AND BE DEEMED TO BE YOUR AGREEMENT TO SUCH REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS. No modification to these terms and conditions by any party other than BH shall be valid or enforceable against BH unless expressly agreed to by BH in a writing signed by a duly authorized officer of BH.

22) Safety Protocols. BH and/or the event venue may establish safety protocols which must be followed at all times. Any protocols required for the event will be communicated in advance and will be included in your Participant Agreement or separate agreement.

23) Changes to Event Agenda. COMPANY maintains the right to adjust the agenda of the EVENT without notice.

24) Force Majeure. In the case of a force majeure event, your registration will be transferred to the rescheduled dates for the EVENT or rolled to the following year.

25) Applicable Law. This purchase and applicable terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In the event of a controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the parties hereto agree to submit to arbitration in the State of Florida, Palm Beach County pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, which arbitration shall be binding upon the parties and their successors in interest. The prevailing party is entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable legal fees from the non-prevailing party in order to enforce the provisions of this Agreement.

26) Voluntary Execution. By checking the box on the order form, I hereby acknowledge that I am voluntarily agreeing to be bound by all terms and conditions outlined. I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Liability Release Waiver and understand its contents; that I am at least eighteen (18) years old and fully competent to give my consent; That I have been sufficiently informed of the risks involved and give my voluntary consent in signing it as my own free act and deed; that I give my voluntary consent in signing this Liability Release Waiver as my own free act and deed with full intention to be bound by the same, and free from any inducement or representation.