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Program Deposit Terms & Conditions

Program Purchase With An Accompanying Program Agreement Terms & Conditions:

These terms and conditions relate to deposits made by you (herein referred to as the “Participant”) on training programs which have an accompanying Program Agreement with Angelique Rewers Worldwide, LLC (d/b/a BoldHaus) (herein referred to as “BH”) (collectively the “Parties”)

  1. Program Agreement. Participant acknowledges that the purchase of the relevant program requires the execution of a Program Agreement which details all formal terms and conditions of participation in the program. The terms and conditions associated with the deposit until the Program Agreement is executed are detailed here.
  2. Order Cancellation/Refunds. Orders for programs may be cancelled up until the Program Agreement has been executed or within 72 hours of the processing of the deposit, whichever is sooner. If cancelled, a cancellation fee of fifteen percent (15%) of the deposit will be assessed to cover administrative costs to BH. Refunds are issued in the same manner received. After the Program Agreement has been executed or 72 hours, there are no refunds or cancellations of the order or deposit.
  3. No Refunds/Changes To Processed Payments. There are no refunds for any payments made by Participant once payment has been processed by BH.  Any requests to alter the form or manner of payment is at the sole discretion of BH and Participant is responsible for the payment of any and all fees incurred by BH in meeting the request.
  4. Waiver of Right to Chargebacks. Participant agrees to waive their right to process chargebacks with their credit/debit card company. Any and all disputes under this Agreement must be handled through the legal system as outlined herein and in the Program Agreement.
  5. Restriction Based on Competitive Business Model. In the event Participant’s business is currently or plans to offer training, consulting, and/or coaching services reasonably similar in nature to BH, such as but not limited to sales, marketing, business growth, business development, and/or revenue growth strategies, to a similar target market as BH (a “Competitive Business”), Participant is required to immediately inform BH. If in BH’s sole discretion, it is determined that the Participant is establishing or has established a Competitive Business to BH, BH may remove the Participant from the Program. Once the Program Agreement has been executed the terms and conditions therein govern the payments made on the program. If removed prior to execution of the Program Agreement, the refund terms described herein will be applied.
  6. Non-Disparagement. In the event that a dispute arises between the Parties to this order prior to the execution of the Program Agreement, the Parties agree and accept that the only venue for resolving such a dispute shall be in the legal venue set forth herein below. In the event of a dispute between the Parties, the Parties agree that they neither will engage in any conduct or communications, public or private, designed to disparage or cast in a negative light the other. This non-disparagement provision shall survive the termination or expiration of this Order if cancelled.
  7. Governing Law & Attorney’s Fees.  This Order shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, Palm Beach County, without regard to its choice of law principles.  The parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal and state courts sitting in Palm Beach County, Florida.  In any action or suit to enforce any right or remedy under this Order or to interpret any provision of the Program Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney’s fees, costs and other expenses.
  8. Completion of all Required On-Boarding Procedures. Participant agrees to promptly complete any and all on-boarding processes (e.g. Participant Profile, Assessments, Participant Business Questionnaires, etc.), as outlined in the Program Components in Exhibit A of the Agreement or as instructed via Program communications, prior to receiving further training and consultation throughout the Program.